Louisiana Bottle Information

Dear lovely Louisiana Pigs,   - Due to  State Legislation in Act 248,  we have stopped shipping into your state. This is only based because we are NOT able to manually check all orders for the State we deliver in. Our Shop
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We like it rough...

Well while we really love a rough play here at the farmhouse, we DO NOT love a rough start of our site. 

Right now we experience some problems while we tighten the security measure with an SSL connection to make sure every interaction with PigLoad.com is secure for you. We wanna make sure our Site is on PreP.

That has left us with some function that has not been working properly: - the "My Account pages", The "Contact us page" and most important the checkout. All pages in where you would expose personal information. It is good that our vaccination is working but we are working hard on getting everything right. 
Eventually in the next few hours, that hurdle is out of the way and you can use and buy the good stuff our StableHand, Barnboys, and the Farmer has selected - besides our PigLoad Lube.

So thanks for your understanding!
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